Pink Princess Philodendron: Characteristics, Growing & Caring Tips For Healthy Plant

Pink Princess Philodendron Growth

The Pink Princess Philodendron is a gorgeous plant that many plant enthusiasts adore; however, it can be a bit tricky to care for. Taking care of this beauty can bring you joy, but it might also test your patience. No worries; here’s all the info you need to keep your  Philodendron Pink Princess looking fabulous and thriving. Whether you’re a pro at tending to plants or just starting out, you will, in fact, find helpful tips and tricks to turn your space into a lush paradise, with your Pink Princess the main attraction. So, let’s jump in and learn how to keep your plant happy and healthy.

How To Differentiate Between Pink Princess Philodendron & Look-Alike?

The Pink Princess Philodendron is a gorgeous houseplant; however, its fame has brought along a bunch of imitations that can trip up buyers. For instance, picture this: you’re drawn to a philodendron with those pink shades, and then you realize it’s not the sought-after Pink Princess. 

Differentiate Between Pink Princess Philodendron & Look-Alike

Therefore, here are some visual clues to help you spot a Pink Princess right away:

Characteristics Pink Princess Philodendron Other Similar Philodendron Varieties
Leaf Color Dark green to almost black leaves with vibrant pink variegation Usually green with white or yellow variegation
Variegation Pattern Distinct pink patches that vary in size and intensity White or yellow streaks or spots on green leaves
Leaf Shape Heart-shaped leaves that are smooth and glossy Heart-shaped but may have less pronounced gloss
Growth Habit Climbing growth habit, often requiring support Varies; some are trailing or bushy in appearance
Overall Appearance Striking contrast of dark foliage and bright pink Generally more uniform green appearance


What Makes Pink Princess Philodendron Special?

The Pink Princess Philodendron isn’t just gorgeous; it’s also pretty rare, which makes it a favorite for folks with indoor gardens. Check out what makes it so special:

  • The Eye-Popping Looks: Firstly, with its stunning variegated leaves that flaunt pink splashes, this plant really turns heads. Consequently, it can boost the vibe of any room, acting like a natural piece of art. Additionally, the mix of colors gives a lively look that goes well with different decor styles.
  • Rare but Totally Worth It: Additionally, the Pink Princess is gaining popularity due to its one-of-a-kind look and how hard it is to find. Therefore, its limited availability makes it even more appealing, making it super trendy for indoor gardeners. Ultimately, owning one is like wearing a badge of honor among plant lovers.

5 Ways to Grow and Care Your Pink Princess Philodendron

Taking care of your Pink Princess Philodendron means knowing what it needs to really flourish. Check out these must-know care tips:

1. Light Requirements

The  Pink Princess loves bright, indirect light to keep its gorgeous pink colors looking great.

  • Optimal Light: Place your Pink Princess Philodendron near a window with filtered light, like through sheer curtains, to prevent leaf scorch and maintain bright pink hues. Bright, indirect light helps with photosynthesis and keeps the plant vibrant.
  • Direct Sunlight: It can handle some gentle morning sun but avoid too much direct light, which can cause brown edges—signs of stress from excessive sunlight.
  • Low Light: If the plant doesn’t get enough light, its pink hues will fade, and green leaves will dominate. Move it to a brighter spot to restore its colors.
  • Artificial Light: In low-light areas, supplement with a grow light to provide year-round brightness, keeping your plant healthy.

2. Watering Wisely

Watering Wisely

Getting the watering right for your Pink Princess Philodendron is super important. 

  • How Often to Water: Firstly, water it only when the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil feels dry. Additionally, this helps avoid overwatering, which is a major mistake many plant lovers make. 
  • Signs of Overwatering:  If you see yellow leaves or notice a musty smell, those are signs you’re giving it too much moisture. Therefore, make sure the roots aren’t stuck in soggy soil. Ultimately, good drainage is super important to keep your plant thriving.

3. Soil and Potting Mix

Soil and Potting Mix

Picking the right soil mix is super important for keeping plants healthy and growing strong. Here’s what you must do:

  • Pick The Right Soil Composition: A combo of peat moss, perlite, pine bark, and worm castings is ideal. This mix gives your plants the nutrients they need while also allowing air to reach the roots, which is key for their health.
  • Check Drainage and Airflow: Good drainage is a must to avoid root rot. Adding perlite or coarse sand helps with drainage and airflow, helping roots to breathe and grow without restrictions.

4. Choosing The Right Pot

Picking the right pot size and type keeps your plant steady and helps it grow well.

  • Size: Go for a pot that’s 2 to 4 inches bigger than the one it’s in now. This gives the roots room to spread out without being too big, which can cause overwatering problems.
  • Material: Choose terracotta or clay pots for better airflow to the roots. These materials let moisture escape, helping to stop root rot.
  • Drainage: Always check that your pot has drainage holes to avoid water buildup. This is super important for keeping the roots happy and healthy..

5. Humidity and Temperature

Keeping the right humidity and temperature is super important for your Pink Princess’s health. 

  • Ideal Levels: Firstly, perfect levels are crucial: you want the humidity to be at 40% or higher. In addition, a humid space helps the leaves stay lush and happy. 
  • Temperatures: Further, aim for temperatures between 60°F and 84°F (16°C – 29°C).

Tips to Maintain the Health of Your Pink Princess Philodendron

 To keep your Pink Princess Philodendron in good shape, keep in mind what it needs, especially for watering and feeding. Let’s check out some tips to help your plant flourish!

  • Understanding Signs Of Overwatering And Underwatering 

You can keep your plant happy and healthy by checking for signs of either overwatering or underwatering.

  • Overwatering Signs: Keep an eye out for leaves turning yellow and roots that feel soft and mushy; these can mean your plant is getting too much water.
  • Underwatering Signs: If you see wilting leaves or dry, brown tips, your plant might be thirsty. Sticking to a regular watering routine can help avoid these problems.

Pro  Tips for Perfect Watering: To know when is the time to water, first, try the finger test. Specifically, just poke your finger about 1-2 inches into the soil. If it feels dry, then it’s time to give your plant a drink.

  • Feed Your Pink Princess Philodendron Best Fertilizers

To help your plant grow strong and keep the pink color and those cool patterns, use only the best fertilizers. 

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to give it a balanced, diluted fertilizer every month while it’s growing. 

  • Prune Your Philodendron Pink Princess Regularly

Trimming your plants regularly helps them grow healthier and, in addition, keeps them looking good. Therefore, make sure to cut off any yellow leaves and shape the plant as you see fit. This way, your plant not only stays neat but also encourages fresh growth. 

Pro tip: Furthermore, don’t forget to clean your pruning tools often to stop any diseases from spreading. Specifically, use rubbing alcohol to sterilize the blades before each use.

3 Common Problems & Solutions for Pink Princess Philodendron Care

Even if you take great care of your Pink Princess Philodendron, it might still run into a few problems. Here’s how to recognize those issues and what steps you can take to keep your plant healthy.

1. Problem: Yellowing Leaves

Reason: Typically a sign of overwatering or nutrient deficiencies. 

Solution: Adjust your care routine accordingly to address this issue.

2. Problem: Loss of Pink Variegation

Reason: This can occur due to insufficient light. 

Solution: Ensure it’s getting the right amount of bright, indirect light to maintain its stunning colors.

3. Problem: Pests Infestation

Reason: Pests like spider mites and aphids, which can affect your plant’s health.

Solution:  Use insecticidal soap or neem oil, and make sure to wipe down the leaves often. 

Where to Buy a Philodendron Pink Princess?

Looking for a  Pink Princess Philodendron can be a bit of a challenge; however, give these sources a shot: 

  • Local nurseries: First, drop by plant shops that focus on exotic plants to find some healthy options. 
  • Online marketplaces: Additionally, order from reputable sellers to steer clear of sickly plants. 

Buying Tips: Go for those bright, sturdy leaves that don’t have brown tips or pest problems.


To sum up, taking care of a Pink Princess Philodendron might take some effort; however, it’s totally worth it in the end. If you keep the right conditions, then you’ll get to admire its gorgeous pink leaves and, consequently, make your home look super stylish. Therefore, don’t hesitate to give it a shot; after all, this one-of-a-kind plant will likely become a favorite in your indoor garden!


  • Can I use Tap water for my Pink Princess?

You should avoid tap water, as it may contain harmful additives. Therefore, let it sit for 24 hours, or opt for filtered water.

  • Can I propagate my Pink Princess Philodendron?

Absolutely! You can propagate it through stem cuttings. Make sure each cutting has at least one node, then place it in water or soil until roots develop. Keep it warm and humid for the best results!

  • Is the Pink Princess Philodendron toxic to pets?

Yes, the Pink Princess Philodendron is toxic to pets if ingested. Keep it out of reach of curious cats and dogs to avoid any health issues. 

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David is a senior writer and editor at StuffedInfo. Bringing years of expertise in creating informative content on various topics of home decor including home Improvement, interior ideas, gardening, etc. With a keen eye for details and correct information, he ensures that every content resonates with readers.