Most Expensive House: Glimpse Of Some Lavish Places

Most Expensive Houses

Whenever we think of our own home or simply brainstorm about a dreamy place, we always consider knowing and visualizing the most expensive house. This thought not only makes us imagine their majestic locations but also their unique interiors, noble facilities, current value, and so on. 

Therefore, to give you a glimpse of the most expensive houses across the world, we made this blog post. Here, we will cover everything from their owners’ details, current market value, location, number of rooms, interior theme, land measurement, and whatnot. So, without more delay, let’s peek into the homes of some wealthy personalities. 

7 Most Expensive Houses In The World

Thus, there are a lot of prominent and well-to-do personalities in this world who own or live in some of the most Expensive houses. Therefore, to get a glimpse of them and know their details, read the below-shared points:

1. Buckingham Palace 

Situated at: London, United Kingdom

Approximated value: $4.9 Billion

Owner: King Charles III

 Buckingham Palace

Hence, one of the most expensive houses in London, United Kingdom, is this 77,000 square meter property. King Charles III, the current monarch of the UK, currently owns it. Moreover, the mansion has more than 775 rooms from which there are 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices, 78 bathrooms and 19 staterooms. 

Additionally, the property features a huge swimming pool, a doctor’s clinic, beautiful gardens, high-tech kitchens, and more. In addition to this, some rumors also comment that in this Crown Property, there are a few secret rooms as well which are hidden from public knowledge. 

2. Antilia

Situated in: Mumbai, India

Approximated value: $2 Billion

Owner: Mukesh Ambani 


Antilia, located in Mumbai, India, is the most costly private residence. Therefore, it is a 400,000 square foot property which is owned by Mukesh Ambani, a billionaire businessman. Hence, the name of this home is based on Atlantic. Moreover, it has 27 floors as every double height ceiling counts as two floors. Furthermore, this building is so strong that it can bear a range of earthquakes without any damage. 

In addition to this, almost six floors of Antilia are completely dedicated for parking their expensive cars. Apart from this, the house also has a huge temple, three helipads, a yoga studio, ice-cream parlor, private movie theater, a ballroom, a health spa, snow room, and so on. 

3. Villa Leopolda

Situated at: French Riviera, France

Approximated value: $750 million 

Owner: Lily Safra’s (a socialite philanthropist) Successors 

Villa Leopolda

This luxurious home is located on the French Riviera. The successors of Lily Safra currently own the property. Moreover, the estate spans 80,000 square feet of land. Furthermore, the very first owner of this place is King Leopold II of Belgium. Additionally, filmmakers used this home as a set for the movie ‘La Main Au Collet.’ In addition to this, it has a number of gardens and a swimming pool, which require at least 50 cleaning staff for regular maintenance. Apart from this, Villa Leopolda has around 11 large bedrooms, lush gardens, a commercial greenhouse, 14 bathrooms, guest cottages, a helipad, etc.

4. Villa Les Cedres

Situated at: Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, France

Approximated value: $450 million 

Owner: Rinat Akhmetov

Villa Les Cedres

Thus, constructors built this century-old estate in 1830, and it sits in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat in South France. Thus, it spreads over 35 acres of land and is currently owned by Rinat Akhmetov, a billionaire Ukrainian businessman. Before Rinat bought the mansion in 2019, Italy’s Campari Group owned this palace. Additionally, its amenities include a ballroom, a stable with 30 horses, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, etc. In addition to this, it also has around 20 greenhouses, 15000 plants, and a number of balconies with palm trees and Mediterranean sea views.

5. Les Palais Bulles

Situated at: Cannes, France

Approximated value: $420 million 

Owner: Société de Gestion Pierre Cardin

Les Palais Bulles

This is one of the most expensive houses in the world, and it was constructed from 1975 to 1989. Société de Gestion Pierre Cardin currently owns the estate situated in Cannes, France. Furthermore, it is spread over 10.4 acres of land and is also known as Bubble Palace or Palais Bulles due to its huge bubbles-like appearance, which was designed by Antii Lovag.

 Besides that, the villa has cylindrical beds, artworks, pools, and more that represent the circular theme. The property features around ten suites, each designed by a different artist. It includes an open amphitheater with 500 seats, offers a Mediterranean sea view, has guest houses, ten bedrooms, and three swimming pools. 

6. The Odeon Tower Penthouse

Situated at: Monaco 

Approximated value: $330 Million

Owner: Not disclosed yet

The Odeon Tower Penthouse

This is one of the most expensive flats in the world, and it is situated in Monaco. It does not have a lush garden, but it compensates for it by offering a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, the property is spread over 38,000 square feet, including all five floors. In addition to this, the house has five kitchens, some staff bedrooms, luxurious bathrooms, a private water slide to an artificial pool, a dance floor, and other amenities as well. 

7. The Holme

Situated at: London, England

Approximated value: $320 million

Owner: Saudi Royal Family

The Holme

This 206-year-old most expensive house is situated at Regent’s Park in London. It was last owned by the Saudi Royal Family, but currently, the property is listed for receivership due to the expiration of a $188 million loan. Apart from being the most expensive house, people also consider this place to be very prestigious. Thus, it has around 40 rooms which include grand bedrooms, a ballroom, reception areas, a tennis court, a private lake, gardens, and more. 


In this blog post, we briefly discussed some of the most expensive houses in the world. However, the list is so long, and therefore, we shared only the top seven. The estates highlighted and described cover acres of land and include amenities such as pools, gardens, staff rooms, entertainment rooms, and more. Furthermore, the top seven luxury properties are also very unique in terms of structure, interior designs, and themes. I hope the page answered all your queries and you received enough information about some dreamy and costly places. 


Which are some of the most expensive houses facing the Mediterranean Sea?

Villa Les Cedres, Les Palais Bulles, and The Odeon Tower Penthouse are three most costly and luxurious properties which share a beautiful and mesmerizing view of the mediterranean sea. 

How many rooms are there in Antilia?

Antilia, the residence of Mukesh Ambani, has around 168 rooms. It includes swimming pools, bedrooms, bathrooms, temple, health spa room, ballroom, a snow room, etc. 

Who is the owner of the Odeon Tower Penthouse?

They have not disclosed the name or identity of the current owner of Odeon Tower Penthouse, situated in Monaco, yet. However, it cost $330 million and spread over 38,000 square feet of land including all the five floors. 

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David is a senior writer and editor at StuffedInfo. Bringing years of expertise in creating informative content on various topics of home decor including home Improvement, interior ideas, gardening, etc. With a keen eye for details and correct information, he ensures that every content resonates with readers.